Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Update - End of the road

So, we didn't win the Nobellini prize (except in the vague, existential sense of having a good time taking part!). Our designs are unlikely to be made, but if they inspire someone, do contact us about collaboration.

A full list of projects, and more info about the competition, are available HERE

Our work is part of the NOBELini catalogue which will be
published and distributed when the resulting exhibition, BLIND DATA,
takes place at the Dana Centre in Feb 2010.

Bye, it's been a blast.


Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Info and Vogue

Got the info sheets up and shopped us into Chinese vogue!


Saturday, 29 August 2009

More designage

Luckly this one I scaled everything right.

The idea is to where the stem cell on one ear and a daughter cell on the other, they would all be anodised aluminium:

Blurb for brooches

You know, this project has done wonders for my communications skills. Writing for non-scientists requires a different skill set (which I may not have totally grasped, feel free to edit out confusing bits). It's fun :)

Second person is intended to make the writing accessible rather that patronising.

Retinal progenitor cell- Retinal stem cells are a specialised variety of stem cell that produce all the different types of neurons that make up the retina. Scientists hope to one day use retinal stem cells to repair damaged eyesight in humans, by getting them to replace the neurons that allow you to see.

Rod cell - Rod cells sense light at low levels, giving you night-vision. They cannot differentiate between colours, which is why at low light levels you see in shades of grey. They are called rods due to their long, thin shape, which helps pack in lots of the light-sensing protein rhodopsin into a small retinal surface area.

Cone cell - There are three types of cone cell in the human eye. They sense red, green or blue light depending on the type of light-sensing protein they contain. They give you colour vision. Different species have different types of cones. Birds, for example, have a fourth cone cell type that allows them to see ultraviolet light.

Bipolar cell - These cells take signals from cone, rod and horizontal cells and process them before sending a signal on towards your brain. They are important messenger components in the retinal circuit.

Horizontal cell - By integrating messages from rods and cones, horizontal cells help you to perceive edges sharply. Using a process called 'centre-surround inhibition' they amplify the signal produced at transitions in your field of vision. Transitions could be from dark to light, or from green to red.

Amacrine cell - Amacrine cells take signals for bipolar cells and pass them on to ganglion cells. An amacrine cell can have one of many processing functions. Some affect your colour perception. These cells are responsible for the green after-image you see after staring at a red light.

Ganglion cells - The long axon of a ganglion cell stretches many centimetres from the retina to the brain, along the optic nerve. These cells carry the information from bipolar and amacrine cells to your visual cortex, where the image that landed on your retina is interpreted.

A further note: the colour scheme of these brooches - blue, green and red - references the three primary colours of light as seen by human cone cells. It also references the three colours primarily used in fluorescent microscopy, a technique used by scientists to see the shapes of these different retinal neurons.


Right right,

Here is the brooch design sheet:

The reason why the file name is ohfuck is that I did it waaaaaay too big in photoshop, so when I resize it smaller the quality is affected, now I don't know how this will affect the printouts, but seeing as we have to give in digital copies aswell the size shouldn't matter there. I was wondering if a copyshop would be able to sort it, I will have to go to one anyway as I don't have an A3 printer.

Do you think I should re-do them? Seeing as the address we have to have it to on Tues is in Imperial, I might take a bit more time and post it in by hand, is that even possible do you think?

Could you possibly write a bit of blurb/explanation as to the cells that we could include with the products? It would be really helpful in proving what we are trying to show scientifically.

What do you think of the designs so far? I have all the stages saved so I can play about with the whole thing. I used the first name you mentioned for our collection as I liked it but can change :)

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Basics! Jewellery designs.

Made some basic images with prints that can be made up into jewellery designs.

Here they are:

I am making up designs for the collection, will include the brooches we have talked about, the earrings pictured in the last update and necklaces based on the bipolar cell necklace idea.

How does this sound? :)

Monday, 24 August 2009

what do retinal stem cells look like - good question...

3rd pic down on this page

And here

Basically round, amorphous. They are not usually shown - they way you demonstrate that something is a stem cell is to make it generate lots of offspring, in a dish or transplanted into a retina. Stem cells are not visually distinctive, so there are more pictures of the distinct offspring.